Welcome and thank you for your interest in returning or joining our grassroots football club. We recommend everyone, old and new, to read this guide as there have been some significant changes for the 2025 season. This guide covers all team types and ages.
2025 registrations are opening Monday 3rd February and close Sunday 16th February for all players – MiniRoos, U12-U18s and Senior teams. Returning players must register by Sunday 9th February to receive preference on team placements.
Step 1 - Preparation
2. For players U12 & up, have ready a recent photo – passport style (face-on photo shoulder height – not sunnies, hats or other people)
3. Ensure you have a Play Football Account. Create one if necessary https://account.footballnetwork.com.au
Step 2 - Register
2. Choose the age range you are registering in and find a club using search for Kotara South Football Club (DO NOT SELECT Kotara Senior FC)
3. Click on Register Now in the top right corner. You do not need to contact the club before registering.
If you receive an email that states the player is on a wait-list, please be patient. This signals to the club that playing numbers need to be checked and contact with the player will be made as soon as possible.
If you have any further questions, please contact mailto:secretary@ksjfc.org
1 - Registration Dates
• Monday 3rd February to Sunday 16th February for all players.
• Returning players must register by Sunday 9th February to receive preference on team placements.
As a club, we strive to keep registration fees as affordable as possible. This year marks the first significant rise in fees in many years.
These fees cover mandatory fees to Football Federations of Australia, Northern NSW and Newcastle Football, which have increased this year, and fees payable to Newcastle City Council for Ground, Canteen and Dressing Room hire and lighting fees.
This season we have needed to reflect the increasing costs to keep the club running efficiently within limited volunteer resources. The increase also reflects contracted ground maintenance and line marking costs, paying for support in administration and game day roles and increased costs of presentation items, apparel, and equipment.
The Committee has decided to stage this increase over 2 years to minimise the impact on members, with another fee review at the end of the 2025 season.
• Entry 5 - 7 years: $237
• Junior 8 - 11 years: $255
• Youth 12 - 18 years: $299
• Senior Amateur: $421
3 - Team Formation
Following Executive, Committee and individual discussions over many years, it was agreed that the 2025 season would see a clearer commitment to socially orientated team formation, such that is already practiced within MiniRoo and Senior teams.
The club has had a history of individual grading to form teams in the U12 to U18 age group. Whilst this has seen success it has been particularly noted that in recent years there has been more negotiation required to form teams, therefore regularly making accommodations to the Grading Policy, and a continued request for players to be in the same team as friends.
Therefore, it is from this position that individual grading will no longer be the starting point for team formation. In U12s - U18s players can now nominate a preference of who they would like to play with.
In summary, our policy will be to foster social connections, inclusivity, and skill development by ensuring team formations are based on existing and potential social relationships, provide an environment that allows for individual and team growth as guided by the club’s community culture.
The desire is to continue to generate:
• Social Mix: Encourage a mix of players to foster new connections, blending long-time members with newcomers.
• Skill Balance: While skill level is secondary to social connections, consider a reasonable skill balance to ensure enjoyable and competitive matches.
• Club Loyalty: Preference is given to players and teams returning the next season, within the registration guidelines.
2025 will therefore be a season of transition and the club is committed to supporting the process. The club is still required to nominate a grade for the team to ensure there is an appropriate level of competition during the season.
For all players
• All returning players to our club will be accommodated in their previous team, where possible, if registered by 9th February.
• If a previous team is not continuing, we will endeavour to place players in another appropriate team. Where new teams need to be formed (U6, U8, U10 & U12s) the club will accept team nominations on the understanding that the club has the overall final authority and reserves the right to place players in teams based on the best interests of the club and its members.
• Any remaining positions in existing teams will be offered to new players in line with the order of registration.
• Welcome Day is held, date to be confirmed, so that team members may get together, hear important information from the club and make decisions on coaches, managers and training time / location.
4 - Team Types
• U5 to U18s we aim to provide opportunities to play in either a mixed or all girl team.
• For MiniRoos (U5-U11s) girls and mixed teams are available and are played on a Saturday.
• For U12-U18s, mixed teams play on a Saturday and Girls Teams play on a Sunday.
• For Seniors there are a variety of men’s and women’s competitions, played across Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
• Players may play in an older age grouping with the permission of the club. To play in a younger age group there must be special circumstances that the club could present to Newcastle Football for consideration.
5 - Coaching and Managing teams
• Teams are coached and managed by volunteers and are generally parents/guardians, older siblings or family members.
• We encourage all parents / guardians to consider becoming a coach – it’s fun and rewarding!
• No previous experience is required. Assistance is provided with courses and online resources.
6 - What are the responsibilities and expectations of parents / guardians of players?
• As a volunteer club we rely on all our player members and their parents / guardians to provide volunteer support to the running of the club.
o 1 x Manager
• All other members should be ready to volunteer where necessary, including game day set up & pack up
• Each team will be rostered for periods of ground duty over the season which will involve duties such as field set up & pack up, Duty Officer, canteen assistance, & BBQ, when games are at home.
• All club members are welcome at the monthly Committee Meetings.
• Parents must keep their team manager and coach informed of player absences. It is an expectation that players attend training and matches on a regular basis.
• All parents and players are expected to comply with our KSFC Code of Conduct.
7 - When and where will teams train?
• We have access to Nesbitt, Lugar, and Kotara Parks for training. Kotara Seniors Football Club (Zone League) also use Nesbitt Park for training and match days.
• The day and time your team trains will be decided in consultation with your team coach and manager.
• Teams will commence training in April, prior to season commencement.
8 - Where and when are matches played?
• Teams participate in competitions involving other clubs in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter Valley region.
• The draw is organised by Newcastle Football.
• Away games will occur at the other club’s home ground.
• Home games occur at Nesbitt Park and Lugar Park.
9 - When does the season commence and finish?
• The 2025 season commences 24th-28th April and is currently scheduled to run 15th /18th August.
• Newcastle Football releases the playing draw about 1 week before the start of the season.
• U12+ competition teams may be involved in the final series which will run into September.
10 - What gear and equipment do I need to purchase?
• New players to the club (U6/U7 only) will be provided with one pair of playing shorts and socks.
• Each player will be provided with a game day shirt (THIS IS NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING)
• Each player will need to provide their own shin pads and football boots.
• A football is not essential as each team is provided with training balls.
• Other club gear will be available for purchase through Sports Clique – further information to follow.
• At the Welcome Day a Boot Swap and purchase of old playing shirts will be available.
Further information to follow. Any other questions? Please contact secretary@ksjfc.org
The above Registration guide PDF can also be viewed by clicking on the link 2025 KSFC Registration Guide .
The KSFC code of conduct PDF can be viewed by clicking on the link KSFC Code of Conduct
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